PLN Call Center Services More Information and Benefits: SudutKebun

Like other state-owned enterprises, PLN provides call center services, abbreviated as state-owned power companies or PLN. The service assists customers with transactions, electricity bills, installation of electricity tokens, and several other types of complaints. As a good consumer, you need to know more information.

The state-owned power company is the only company in Indonesia that sells electricity to the public. This is why PLN is part of a very large SOE in Indonesia. Without the presence of this company, rural Indonesia would not be able to feel the comfort of night activities.

Having existed for many years, PLN has always prioritized customer satisfaction as a corporate evaluation. The better the customer is evaluated, the higher the performance value of the employee. This allows PLN to continuously implement useful innovations.

One of the innovations that PLN is useful and publishes is PLN call center services. The existence of this service is a forum for customers to submit complaints, criticisms, proposals, and a desire to add a new power line.

In addition, we continuously evaluate the performance to improve the quality of our services. This is very visible in that PLN’s great achievements provide good value to consumers, taking into account that the invoice follows the nominal power used and the accuracy of the information received by the customer as directed.
In addition to innovating in the form of services, PLN employees always experience performance appraisals as well. This is made so as not to disappoint the customers who have entrusted this company. Get to know the detailed information related to PLN services to become a wise citizen.

What is PLN Call Center Service?

As the only state-owned enterprise to sell electricity to Indonesian citizens. This makes it impossible for all Indonesians to be separated from the existence of PLN. No wonder this company has to have the means to stay connected to customers whenever they have a problem they are experiencing.


Serving the community by always being ready to listen to complaints, this company eventually issued a service called PLN Call Center. This service is better known as PLN 123. This is because the official number of the PLN call center is 123. Figures are included in the easy-to-remember category.

As a person who uses these services, you can contact the services around the clock. The maximum service provided is intended to ensure that PLN provides a quick and quick solution whenever the community wishes to file a complaint.

Call centers are also set up to increase customer satisfaction with companies that sell these electrical products. Not only can you complain about transactions, bills, and power outages, but you can also get in touch to request the installation of new electrical connections or power changes.

How to contact the PLN Call Center

After knowing the number from the PLN call center, you also need to know how to contact PLN. You can use smartphones and public phones. The call center number used remains the same, at 123 for both smartphones and public phones.

However, if you are using a smartphone, there are additional numbers that are tailored to the code of the region where you live. If you are currently in Jakarta City, you must enter the area code (021) before 123 so that the number you enter is 021123.

In addition, if you want to contact the PLN call center, please check the area code of your area in advance in advance. But unfortunately, every phone connection you use will be charged. Therefore, if you call PLN, you must ensure that the credits are sufficient.

Based on the opinions of customers who have used the service, the service provided is very good. In addition, the information conveyed is used in easy-to-understand language. Some problems will also be given a quick solution, but for more complex problems it will take a day or two.

C All c is here to straighten out some confusing information entering PLN. In this day and age, hoax information is transmitted very quickly. Therefore, it is very important to guarantee to a legitimate and trustworthy party. Being a user of these services, you have to be smarter.

Advantages of PLN Call Center

As mentioned earlier, PLN 123 service offers so many benefits. Try to get closer to your users by listening to their complaints and being prepared to take further appropriate action. This is to alleviate customer worries due to problems that arise.

The first advantage is that PLN call centers continue to provide the most accurate information and strive to avoid misunderstandings. In addition, complaints will be dealt with as soon as possible, ensuring that customers can comfortably use the services of the power companies in this country.

In addition, you can also report irregularities in PLNs working in your home area. Please report whether the rates provided are unreasonable. The service is ready to receive information and evaluate the performance of implementers working in your area.

You can also call to ask questions about promotions held by the PLN call center. PLN does not hesitate to provide information related to ongoing promotions. The information is very accurate and you can use it once you feel it is necessary and informative.

Online services available in PLN

In addition to the call center number that you can contact on your mobile or public phone, you can also use social media to contact PLN 123 services. This is when you are unlikely to replenish enough credit to file a complaint over the phone.

The first PLN call center online service is that you can submit all kinds of complaints through PLN’s official social media such as Twitter and Facebook. The submission of this complaint is free of charge. Only an internet connection connected to your smartphone is required.

pln twitter social media official account is @pln_123, you can submit a complaint via DM or mention. However, DM recommends that you use DM to avoid words that are too short when communicating through mentions. PLN’s official Facebook account is PLN 123.

In addition, you can file a complaint officially via an email belonging to PLN or an official email. The official email address used by the country’s utilities is The service 123 is always associated with the listed number.

With the development of time, PLN has finally launched an application called PLN Mobile that you can download for free on your smartphone. Not only will you be able to file complaints, but you’ll also be able to enjoy some of the features offered, such as purchase invoices and transaction history of electricity tokens.

You can also contact them through the official website of PLN that is The convenience provided to constantly improve the quality of the company’s performance. This is done for all customers to feel satisfied and not harmed. With the presence of PLN call center, people can hear complaints and problems faster.

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